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This is the Year!

One year will blend into the next and then into the next and before you know it your ideas and goals just don’t happen. “Stuff” gets in the way. You know what I mean.

Don’t let that happen to you this year! Ideas and visions mean NOTHING if you don’t take massive action to make them happen. The reality is no one knows how long we have here on this amazing journey. DON’T be that person who didn’t put everything they have into this life. Don’t be that person who leaves with an unwritten song or book in them, the person whose passion was never realized, a business idea or relationship that was never formed. Play full out and leave all you’ve got on the table with no regrets. You have nothing to lose. Nothing!

A lot of us have more in the rear-view mirror than we have going forward. Make THIS year the year that you make it happen. What do you want to do? Get out a piece of paper and list it ALL. Do some massive personal and business brainstorming as to what you really want and why you will not accept anything less for yourself this year!

Here are some questions to get you started.


  1. What. Do. You. WANT???
  2. How. Do. You. Want. To. FEEL???
  3. Whom do you want to meet?
  4. What message do you have inside you that wants to come out but hasn’t?
  5. How do you want to expand?
  6. What people do you want on your team?
  7. What are some new strategies and initiatives that you have thought about, but haven’t moved on?
  8. How do you want to contribute to others/to your community?
  9. How are you going to show the people you love that you love and care about them?
  10. What have you wanted to do but were afraid to try?
A blue arrow is in the middle of a green background

Be that best version of yourself this year. Shake things up. Do NOT be afraid. Just freaking do what you say you want to do this year once and for all! You have greatness within you – remember that! You didn’t come here to write down some goals and then not do them. Push yourself this year….let inspiration come through loud and clear. Let’s see what you’ve got. There are people who are waiting for you to take the lead and time is running out…what are you waiting for? THIS. IS. THE. YEAR….

With love and gratitude,

A blue arrow is in the middle of a green background
Donna Sirianni,CEO and Co-Founder

Let's chat!

If you want to hit the ground running in January, email me at [email protected].

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