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A positive collaborative experience that brings your team together on the same page.

  • Teams explore the purpose of your organization’s mission and vision
  • Empowerment of each team member on the importance of their role and how it contributes to your organization’s mission and vision
  • Carry out a deep dive into your organization’s values through collaborative round robin team discussions to agree on what each value means to them, as well as deciding what the ACTION of each value IS and is NOT
  • Teams reflect on what it means to read values on paper versus actually living them so that a productive and collaborative work environment is created
  • Team brainstorming component on creating initiatives that incorporate the “living” of values into your organization

Mission/ Vision/ Values Foundation Seminar

For organizations that need to develop their mission, vision and values from scratch.

Mission/ Vision/ Values Realignment Seminar

For organizations who want to realign their employees with the mission, vision and values of the organization so that they are all on the same page. We also create “team” values which are solely focused how the employees decide they want to treat each other in order to create positive team cohesiveness.

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